Saturday, May 31, 2008

The warm of the sun, the fertilizer, and water and the caladium bulbs develop their foliage. Day by day I see more growth. Its a sweet treat each day to see the growth. I'm planning the additional plantings I'll put with these caladiums, waiting to see where what is needed.

And on our back patio, I have a few photos of the pillows and plantings . . .  to give me a little bit of garden and respite. Not too much, not too little, just right. ;-)

Just finished up reading the book of Job. Each year's reading I learn more. I've enjoyed the reading more as I read Daily Walk's instruction and application ideas before tackling the day's reading. If you would care to subscribe to Daily walk visit:

As I take time to sit on the patio, to water plants, watch birds, read the Word, meditate upon what I've read . . . I think of this:

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

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