Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still working on my fan and feather blanket but took a wee diversion to participate in the monthly dishcloth group. . . I usually knit in white cotton dishcloth yarn so I can use it for a gift with either a nice bar of bath soap or a foaming dish soap, depending upon who I give it to and for what use I think they will likely use it. 

Here is the dishcloth at the end of day 4's instruction. It seems the others in the group are knitting up a different look using the pattern we are given 10 rows of each day - but I am following it line by line. I like what I'm producing, even if I have mistakenly done it wrong. 

I've learned to do yarn overs backwards and to purl through the back loop. I like these projects for they are small, can-do sizes that are not overwhelming. I also love that I get only 10 lines of the pattern each day and I can manage that on most any day. . . it may be the last thing I do before drifting off to sleep, ah, is a quiet moment of contemplation before dreaming. Other days its the last thing I do in the morning before heading out to work. . . it gives me a sense of having accomplished something I adore before I face the days challenges.

Comments? Thoughts? 

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