Thursday, November 27, 2008

Blessed, to be a blessing
I have received much in life and that has led me to be all the more grateful. I was born into a family with 4 other children, that was a blessing in itself. I have siblings of all ages and stages and each adds something to my life, makes me more 'me' than if I was raised without them. 

I'm richer for having grown up with kids of all ages.
Blessed to be in the family whose parents took us to church and to a church that valued God's Word. 
I have that heritage that so few have these days.
Grateful to have met and married someone who likewise was raised in church, his father's church, as a missionary in Japan. 
Blessed to have children - a boy AND a girl! Now adults who love and respect us. (we are SO blessed by that fact)
Blessed by the addition of a son-in-love who was raised in the faith, who is a leader in their family, protector, and the father of our first and favorite granddaughter.
Blessed to be grandparents to Avery - what a sweetie she is!
Blessed with health, a good home, and friends.
Grateful for work - good places to work, work that satisfies and doesn't always 'feel' like work
Blessed to be a part of a Bible study - with women who desire to mature in their faith
For these things and many more I am grateful to God, and blessed, I pray I am a blessing to my family, friends, co-workers, patients, and others.

I pray you are enjoying this day with loved ones, enjoying good food, sharing life and love together. 
We will be doing so - we are blessed.

Truth for Life
. . . in the presence of the LORD  your God, you and your families shall eat and rejoice 
in everything you have put your hand to, because the LORD your God has blessed you.
Deuteronomy 12:7b

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