Sunday, November 09, 2008


I have admired the many t-shirts that feature places around the globe, winding my way through a Walmart SuperCenter a few weeks ago I happened upon one that wasn't a location but a state of mind, a favorite beverage- TEA! 
It had the popular sequins attached in a few spots to add a tiny bit of bling - and it was just subtle enough for me. I know my friends will be sitting across from me and suddenly notice that my favorite beverage, hobby, and hospitality means is spelled out before them. . . . . I don't know if your Walmart has these still and I was too busy the week I bought it to post - forgive me! Now it inspires me to be hospitable in jeans, casual, a "why don't you come on in, it won't take but a moment. I'll put the kettle on and see what cookies I have to share. . . . "
Truth For Life
Share with God's people. Practice hospitality.
Romans 12:13

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