Monday, January 05, 2009

Ten Questions For The New Year

I listen via podcast to Revive Our Hearts programs which feature Nancy Leigh DeMoss. She had a program last week that I've found to be perfect for discerning toward what this new year's direction should be aimed. There is a list of questions that are worthy of reading, meditating upon, and responding to. The list is called Ten Questions For The New Year and its available in a pdf format in order that you may print it out and refer to it daily during your time alone with God. There are actually more than 10 questions but the first 10 are enough for many of us. 
This may guide you to a happy new year.

The first question, for those who want to see it here and now is:
What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?

I may post one question a day for you, dear readers. 
Take it one a day and it will give you time to ponder, 
listen, develop an action plan, and then do the action planned. 

Truth For Life
Yes, joyful are those who live like this!
Joyful indeed are those whose God is the LORD.
Psalm 144:15

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Well I found a kindred spirit - I love the Revive Our Hearts podcast! Most mornings or lunch I listen to her podcast and knit. So good to get a jump start, even if it sometimes is in the middle of the day. She is truly a blessing.