Sunday, January 04, 2009

The front of the sanctuary is all lit up and now we light one anothers tapers

This is my favorite service of the year at our church - Epiphany Sunday. It is the pivotal beginning of my year. It is an annual commissioning for the purpose of our lives and the focus of our year due to the manner in which our church celebrates. For us, its a reviewing of the coming of the wise men to find Jesus, the history of our Bible's gospels, the apostles of Christ, and finally, our place in the line of called ones who are to carry the light into our world today. As the history is read, candles are lit one by one at the front of the sanctuary until it is all aglow. Then tapers are lit and the taper held by the person seated nearest the aisle on each row of pews is given a light. One by one we light each others tapers and rapidly the entire sanctuary is aglow from front to the narthex. The hallelujah chorus is played while we light the tapers and when it is completed we depart in silence walking out two by two into the night, 
taking our tapers with us. 

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Truth For Life
He has showed you, O man,  what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

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