Saturday, December 13, 2008

Two months ago I was initiated into a new role, as was my husband. 
We became POM's, an acronym for Parents Of Missionaries. 
To celebrate this transition I realized I had one glass I saved from a purchase of POM juice last spring and on it was the acronym. The company no longer makes the glasses (wish I'd known earlier as I'd have collected more for personal use) but it is sold in plastic bottles. So off we went to find it so I could share it with fellow POM's. I'm so grateful that we have become POM's at a time that there is an organization to support and encourage us as we parent from a distance, grand-parent from afar, and pray with a greater awareness of the world's needs. 

We became Parents Of Missionaries just as a book was available for purchase at aptly called Parents Of Missionaries. We were able to get a copy and read it the week we saw our children and grandchild off to south Africa. It was a timely help and will be a bedside table reference for prayer, grand-parenting-from-a-distance tips, and more. 

If you should know someone who is the parent or grandparent of a missionary, this book would be a precious resource.

At Christmas arrives, look around you, are there friends, neighbors, and family who are missing dear ones due to service in the armed forces, a move across the country, a move out of the country, inability to join their family due to work / financial status?  Their loved ones may still be alive but very much 'missing' from their homes.
Let's include them, pray for them, encourage them, and be 'present' with them. 
It will lighten their hearts, give you truer joy, and bless us all.

Truth For Life
For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other's faith, both yours and mine.
Romans 1:11-12

1 comment:

swimchubb said...

I swear, you are the cutest thing ever! POM juice!