Our days vary so much in Oklahoma. Yesterday was a scorcher! When I walked my dogs they were panting from the moment we left our block. I was 'glowing' when I returned. Today is a bit cooler due to wind. Ah, the wind is a wonderful thing when its hot. I'm having to get up earlier and earlier to beat the heat to get my walk in the hills completed. See the growth of my caladiums? I have added double flowering impatiens and asparagus fern. I have two such pots and the one I'm photographing daily is growing at a more rapid pace than the other one, must be a significant difference in the light. I'll have to swap them out weekly so they grow more evenly.
In my daily reading I'm into the Psalms. How I love pondering them, reading the background, noting the author, and then focusing on the words of truth that I can live out. They were first alive to me when I was in college as a freshman, that is when I began to reach for my Bible for reading on a near daily basis. Reading the Psalms happened to be a good 'fit' for the emotional roller coaster years of that season of my life.
Knitting wise I'm checking out books on lace knitting, trying to find a reasonably easy, but pretty pattern to try with some lace yarn I bought in April. Its not a rush to do this but I'm pondering what I would like to make, a luxury knitted item for me. I finished the book For Women Only and can't say enoug it. EVERY woman needs to read it. EVERY. Yes, it is that vital. I finished up Austenland
and it was interesting but not one I'd highly recommend, it was just an interesting read.
I've begun to read Having A Mary Heart and that is looking rather helpful. As is the book
Never Say Diet. It has good points and is encouraging me on my inner and outer transition
of body care, the only frustration is this is a library book and someone tore out the pages that listed
her recommended foods for small meals that are about 300 calories. Arghhhh! I need to get my
therapy ball out and take it to a gas station to air it up so I can use it a couple times a week. Working
on my core muscles made such a difference the past fall and I've let that slide and boy can I ever tell!
Active knitting: finished up a dishcloth that is named Ivy's Cloth, named after the designer's mother.
And my fan and feather afghan is still in process, the thin yarn makes it a long process but the fabric
it is creating is oh, so lovely, it is a pleasure to look at, touch, and create. I'm learning to enjoy the
process as well as the product in this project. (lots of "P's" in that sentence, no?)
Which makes me think of this verse for today:
Friends, when life gets really difficult, don't jump to the conclusion that God isn't on the job.
Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced.
This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.
I Peter 4: 12,13
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