Monday, June 07, 2010

The Bible in 90 Days

my journal of the experience

Week One

I have overall enjoyed spending 40 minutes to an hour each evening after dinner reading our 12 pages in Genesis and Exodus. There were a few nights when it seemed like I would never get to the end of my 12 pages of reading - so I would stop, take a breath, pray, and continue on. What keeps me encouraged is that I will be sharing this journey with others, my husband and our small group. I am getting more and more excited to hear about their discoveries as well as to share some of mine.

I am always amazed at the 'first time I've seen this!' details I discover as I re-read God's Word. I am humbled to see how God has reached out to man, come to be with us, seeks to save us and provide a way out of slavery. . . but He does not stop there, noooooooooo. That is where WE often stop. 'got the fire insurance policy! check! that is all I need you for now, God, check with you later!' as we go smilingly off on our own.

He offers us beyond that, He offer us a new life, He provides the setting in a new land. It comes furnished! And we forget this, don't 'hear' it, don't 'see' it and usually continue to plod along, walking uphill each day trying to carve a life out of our time on earth. God offers us life, full life, rich life. Shalom life because He will be with us! Thank you, Lord. Praise you, Lord! Bless you, Lord!

As a note: I like the Bible they have published for this 90 day reading plan, it is good to read a clean copy that does not have study notes to distract the reader. it is easy on the eye text.

It has been fun to share this with my husband as well. We talk about what we discover after each days' reading. God is speaking into our daily lives concerning family, work, and faith. That is confirming things we have pondered upon or upon which we have wanted to action.

More later . . . .

June 7, 2010

Truth For Life

Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed:

The Lord, The Lord God compassionate and gracious

slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth, . .

Exodus 34: 6

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