Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting ready to take in a
quick panoramic view of God's Word
from my home

Tomorrow is a red letter day
as will be August 29th

I am taking up a challenge extended to my husband and myself
to read through the entire Bible in 90 days.

Yup, 90 Days!

We do read through the Bible annually but have not done so in a mere 90 days -
not sure if we can keep our read-thru-in-a-year plan going at the same time,
we'll see how it goes.

we will read the Bible from Genesis to Revelatiom
at a pace of 12 pages a day,
(which should take from 40 minutes to 1 hour a day)

Obviously the Bible will be my summer reading.

And we are not alone in this
for we'll meet up weekly with a small group to fellowship,
discuss our questions and share our 'ah-ha's'
(this is what will make it over-the-top worthwhile!)

Curious? Check back on this blog.

I'll be sharing about it as we move along
getting a rapid & panoramic view of God's Word,
listening to God, looking for God to reveal Himself to us.

I can NOT wait!

Join me if you want to do the same,
visit the website that features the materials and gather a few folks.
Our local bookstore called Mardel has a few of their books on their shelves.

I'll twitter about it, too. More details coming.

Truth For Life

Psalm 19 - enjoy reading it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm curious. Do you know what RSVP means?

RSVP comes from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning "please respond".

So what do I do with an RSVP?

If RSVP is written on an invitation it means the invited guest must tell the host whether or not they plan to attend the party. It does not mean to respond only if you're coming, and it does not mean respond only if you're not coming (the expression "regrets only" is reserved for that instance). It means the host needs a definite head count for the planned event, and needs it by the date specified on the invitation.

All this leads to the thicker envelopes we get in our mail this month. . . .

It is that time of year when invitations arrive for weddings. . . . .

The date has been chosen,

the celebration has been prepared for with much care

by the hosts.

We are invited to attend
and our part is to reply
using the card enclosed in the invitation to indicate our response to the invitation.

In the past few decades I've both sent and received invitations by mail, by email, by phone, and now by text for wedding showers, weddings, graduations, baby showers, home warmings, charity fundraisers, etc.

Not all required a formal response, but for those that ask for one I reply as soon as I can confirm our availability. I do so for I know the hosts truly do need our reply to prepare a place of us at the special occasion they have planned.

Sadly, I witness that few people practice the gracious art of etiquette. . . . particularly in the area of responding to invitations. It matters not your age or upbringing. We don't give a timely response much thought until we host something, then we expect our invitations to produce prompt responses for the desired accurate count. When we receive few replies, we become upset, angry, and frustrated at the few replies.

But when our event is over, we return to our practice of neglecting to replying to invitations we receive following our event, with nary a thought. Oh, my! We are focused so very much on me, mine, and ours to the extreme and don't recognize it.

When will we learn to care for others more than ourselves?

It takes a change of our heart. And this is not a new problem!


put yourself in the place of our heavenly Father.

He has a truly major wedding feast planned
. . . Martha Stewart could not possibly out do this event of all events.

He knows the date it will be held, though we won't until that day

He has been making plans for eons!


He has invited us to join Him.

and He is waiting for our response.


Have you replied to His invitation?


Are you preparing to attend?

Matthew 22: 1-14 tells the story.

Take some time today, read it,
meditate upon it, consider THE invitation.

And make a reply.

If you say 'yes!'

Get ready. . . every day, live today preparing for THE day.

Learn about that in His Word.

Truth For Life
"Again he sent out other slaves saying, 'Tell those who have been invited, "Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast."'
Matthew 22:4

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wear Red this Sunday!



This week it will be Pentecost Sunday.

So wear RED to celebrate the gift of
God's Holy Spirit!

The Church has traditionally used the color red for Pentecost to symbolize the flames of the Holy Spirit. At first, only members of the clergy wore red vestments, but now it is common to see members of the congregation wearing something red on Pentecost Sunday.

Red is not the only color associated with Pentecost. Red symbolizes the divided flame-like tongues but the Holy Spirit is symbolized by a white dove. White is also worn by people who are being baptized. Baptisms and confirmations are done throughout the year, but having them on Pentecost Sunday is in keeping with the day described in the book of Acts where 3,000 people were baptized.

So plan ahead, what will you wear?
Red dress, skirt, slacks, shirt, red accessories?
Or if you are male, a red tie?

But remember:

The most important thing about Pentecost is to learn what the Spirit does,
and to trust God's Holy Spirit to lead you.

Truth For Life
Read this passage: Acts 2:1-21

Monday, May 17, 2010

Who (with reason) despises the day of small things?
Zechariah 4:10a

Not me, that is for sure.

I'm taking my time these days, smelling the roses so to speak. Listening when others talk. Looking at them as they talk. Focusing on what they say and don't say. Trying not to think about my next comment as they are speaking.

This is not an easy thing to do but it has been a worthwhile habit to form.
It is also partnered with not interrupting others as they talk.

Yes, I have the habit of both. I admit it.

Now I want to cease to do those two things. I realize my life is becoming crowded mentally with so many things, many good, but even many good things, when too many, are


too much.

And so I am finding that those few who have God's wisdom,
calmer lives, richer relationships, and peace that passes all understanding
(yes, that last part is from a verse. . . .Philippians 4:7)
are not in a hurry. They are not harried. They are not too busy.
They aren't cussing, fussing, fretting, controlling others,
stressing, ranting, or raving.

They are living life well. They are following after Jesus
and imitating Him here, now.

So, I have begun, it is a small start, but a good one.

As a new member at church I have opportunity to listen,
to learn who is who, how they believe,
how they worship, how they study,
to observe how they live, how they speak,
how they care, how they share.

It is a small beginning but one I pray will
give me deeper roots, greater growth,
His peace, His understanding,
and Godly changes in me.

Pray for me, will you?

Truth For Life
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!
Romans 11:33